You Play a Big Part in Your Marketing Efforts

If I start talking about online marketing strategy everyone’s mind immediately goes to getting traffic by ranking, linking, etc.

But let me make this statement: The biggest obstacle you will face when it comes to working on your own to create a successful online business is you. This is because you are a human being and human beings are very weird with minds that can wander and trigger negative emotions.internet marketing

So I would suggest as part of your online marketing strategy one of the things slightly ‘outside of the box’ that you might want to consider is the positive impact a little organization can have on your online marketing efforts.

Online Marketing Strategy: Organization

Again, most of the time people think of an online marketing strategy as a way to get traffic to their website or a way to make money using the Internet. My point here is how are you going to efficiently and effectively learn and put these online marketing strategies into play?

In my opinion a little organization can go a long way towards making your overall online marketing strategy more effective. Why? Because normally those that are more organized are more productive as well as feeling more relaxed as they have right before them that list of what they are going to do and feel in control of things.

This results in them feeling on top of things and being able to focus on getting one single thing done as fast and efficiently as possible.

Or to put it more simply and personally; A little organization can have you working better, smarter, faster by having your mind free, your body relaxed and your spirit feeling light and free as well. (Screw that defeated feeling!)

Online Marketing Strategy: Making A List

By making a list, and this means physically writing it out or making the list on your computer so you can see it, your mind will be clear of holding onto all of those thoughts and allow you to focus all of your concentration and effort on a single one.

I was told long ago if you can’t sleep at night because one or two things are stuck in your head and your mind won’t let go of them then get up and write it down. Then read it twice, realize it is right there for you to look at in the morning and then go back to bed.

The result of the action of writing it down and reading it seems to somehow get the mind to let go of it.

This especially applies to working at home alone when you sit down at your computer and begin to think of everything you want to get done during the day.
Online Marketing Strategy: The List Creates A Focus On Work

The first thing making a list accomplishes is that it gets you to focus on just your work. You’re not thinking about having to pick up the kids at school in the afternoon.

The rest of the day is blotted out and you are thinking about the work you want to get done. You’re mind is not distracted by thinking about everything as it’s been written down as you can refer to your list at anytime, you know it’s there. marketing strategy starts with you

I would also suggest you outline your day as well for all of the same reasons.
Online Marketing Strategy: Prioritizing Your List

Once you have written out the things you want to focus on, go back through the list and prioritize it. Realize that you don’t have to be perfect here, and if you are not sure of what should be the top priorities just pick 3 things and number them 1, 2, 3 and START!

Getting started is an important concept!

Just start doing the first thing you have on your list, whether it is easy or hard, and then just focus on doing that one thing. Everything else should be waaaay back in your mind now which will allow you to apply all of your concentration and effort more freely on just finishing that one task on your list.

Online Marketing Strategy: An Important Tip
Before you go to bed write down 2 or 3 things you want to get down the next day. This can create a shortcut as you can sometimes just sit down and pick 1 of those 2 or 3 things then Bang! You’re off to the races. More information here

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